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There is a fire within us that does not want us to miss our lives

It is what George Gurdjieff called the wish to Be. 

The essence of the movements and sacred dances created by Mr. Gurdjieff are pure and penetrating awareness. They are a series of polyrhythmic, counterintuitive and ritualistic movements that require a very special quality of attention, demanding a deeper emotional and bodily connection we rarely exercise in daily life. The music, as well as the group structure act as essential tools to include this emotional intelligence along with our movement and thought. This method cultivates our ability to feel what we are doing, not with a fragmented attention and will, but totally and from an authentic and sincere center of gravity that emanates from our essence and soul.

Picture courtesy of Osho Nisarga


The wish to Be is also the wish to be free. Free from the tyranny of our minds, meaning our conditioning, false personality, neurosis, triggers, and habits which don´t really serve us - physical, emotional, and mental. All of this is hiding our essence, and it takes up so much of our energy that we don´t have the space to be sensitive to higher energies which would like to inhabit us. The wish to Be is the wish to be ourselves - and that is pure consciousness. When we are conscious we are also instruments of divine intelligence.


Sagittarius, 1907 by MK Ciurlionis

“We need to develop an attention in us that would relate the whole of ourselves to a higher force.”
                                                             - Madame Jean de Salzmann

The movements and dances Gurdjieff created are structured in such a way that to practice them we must fully engage all of the parts of our being - our three brains: the intellectual center, emotional center, and physical or moving center, thus uniting our being.

Video courtesy of Amiyo Devienne. 

The Movements are not meant for performance (although performance adds a useful intensity) but as a laboratory to see and study ourselves.

By using rhythm, vibration, geometry, and a group formation, they follow certain laws which have 3 basic functions:

          - Gather the force of our attention
          - Unite the different and often divided parts of our being
          - Break our mechanical and automatic patterns. 

The intelligent design of the Movements:

It is possible to find perfect stillness in movement. Actually, many of us were born to know ourselves in and through movement- to know stability within motion. That is why these Movements are an immense contribution to humanity by Gurdjieff. â€‹


Gurdjieff Movements group in Istanbul

Visit the Gurdjieff Movements page for more information on the process and origins.  


İlkgün Amitabha Jan

The movements themselves are a powerful tool for developing self-awareness, mindfulness, and inner balance. I have experienced moments of profound stillness, clarity, and connection to something greater than myself.

More Testimonials


Elif Özkoç

Ananda's calm but very focused and non-judgemental presence is a medicine itself. Plus he is very experienced with the movements. I felt so energized, centered, clear and grounded after the workshop


Billur Kurt

Working on self-remembering through Gurdieff Dances within the safe limits of Ananda's open heart provides a very valuable space to meet with the vibrations we need in today's World. By gathering my attention every time, it balances all centers and creates awareness of my individuality in unity, contributing to the internalization of ancient knowledge by experiencing it.

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